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Yorkshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Yorkshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with R

Reavell households

Reavely households

Reaves households

Reavett households

Reavies households

Reavill households

Reay households

Rebbla households

Rebeck households

Reburne households

Rebus households

Rechard households

Reckels households

Recket households

Reckett households

Reckham households

Reckitt households

There were 21 people with this surname in Yorkshire in 1881. The most common occupations for people with the surname Reckitt in Yorkshire in 1881 were Independent for women and Scholar for men. People with the surname Reckitt in Yorkshire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of Ernest, Ada, Arnold, Arthur B, Charles, Charles C, Eliza L, Ellen M, Emma or Ethel M.

Head of Household


Date of Birth



Denmark Street

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth




People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Park Street

People in the house


Reckless households

Record households

Records households

Recton households

Redan households

Redbourne households

Redburn households

Redchurch households

Reddan households

Reddeough households

Redderson households

Reddich households

Reddick households

Reddie households

Reddihoff households

Reddihough households

Reddin households

Redding households

Reddington households

Reddiough households

Reddish households

Reddoff households

Reddy households

Reddyhoff households

Redebalgh households

Redehalgh households

Redehough households

Reder households

Redfeard households

Redfearn households

Redfearne households

Redfern households

Redfien households