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Yorkshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Yorkshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Yorkshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with P

Perkinton households

Perkis households

Perkitt households

Permiston households

Permoch households

Permy households

Pernham households

Perrell households

Perren households

Perress households

Perrett households

Perrey households

Perrigo households

Perrill households

Perriman households

Perrin households

Perrins households

Perris households

Perritt households

Perron households

Perrose households

Perrot households

Perrott households

Perrow households

Perry households

Perryman households

Perryment households

Persival households

Persley households

Person households

Persons households

Perston households

Pert households

Perth households

Pertutch households

Peruni households

Perviss households

Peschke households

Pescott households

Pesel households

Peskin households

Pessinoa households

Pestall households

Petch households

Petchell households

Petcher households

Petchey households

Petecan households

Peter households