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Worcestershire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Worcestershire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Worcestershire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with R

Rowbrey households

Rowbury households

Rowcliffe households

Rowden households

Rowe households

Rowell households

Rowland households

Rowlands households

Rowlandson households

Rowlatt households

Rowles households

Rowley households

Rownel (?) households

Rowney households

Roxburd households

Roxburgh households

Roy households

Royal households

Royall households

Royle households

Royston households

Roystone households

Rubbra households

Ruberry households

Rubiney households

Rubinstein households

Rubottom households

Rubury households

Ruby households

Ruch households

Ruck households

Rudall households

Rudd households

Rudder households

Ruddy households

Rudge households

Rudland households

Rudlin households

Ruff households

Ruffhead households

Rufford households

Rufus households

Rule households

Rumble households

Rummey households

Rumney households

Rumsey households

Rundle households

Ruscoe households