Sophia Herbert
Born 1800
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Wishula Sarah
Georgianna Carolina
Eliza Ann
Stephen Paul
Eleanor Sarah
Catherine Cassie
1 of 7
First name(s) | Wishula Sarah |
Last name | Engleheart |
Relationship | Head |
Marital status | Single |
Age | 61 |
Birth year | 1820 |
Birth place | Tooting, Surrey, England |
First name(s) | Last name | Relationship | Marital status | Age | Birth year | Birth place | Full record |
Wishula Sarah | Engleheart | Head | Single | 61 | 1820 | Tooting, Surrey, England | |
Georgianna Carolina | Engleheart | Sister | Single | 52 | 1829 | Kent, England | |
Eliza Ann | Engleheart | Sister | Single | 48 | 1833 | Kent, England | |
Stephen Paul | Engleheart | Brother | Single | 50 | 1831 | Kent, England | |
Eleanor Sarah | Curtis | Cousin | Single | 41 | 1840 | Shelton, Norfolk, England | |
Mary | Turner | Servant | Single | 21 | 1860 | Thorndon, Suffolk, England | |
Catherine Cassie | Everson | Servant | Single | 19 | 1862 | Thorndon, Suffolk, England |
Other households on nearby pages of the 1881 Census