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Wiltshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Wiltshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Wiltshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Huchings households

Hucker households

Huckstepp households

Hudd households

Hudds households

Hudson households

Hues households

Huff households

Huffman households

Huges households

Huggins households

Hughes households

Hughon households

Hughs households

Hugill households

Huiet households

Huish households

Hulance households

Hulands households

Hulbert households

Hulford households

Hull households

Hulls households

Hulme households

Hulton households

Hum households

Humly households

Humpfris households

Humpheries households

Humpheris households

Humphrey households

Humphreys households

Humphries households

Humphris households

Humphry households

Humphrys households

Humpries households

Hunt households

Hunter households

Huntley households

Huntly households

Hurcom households

Hurd households

Hurdall households

Hurdell households

Hurden households

Hurdle households

Hurell households

Hurkett households