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Warwickshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Warwickshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with M

Mattey households

Mattheus households

Matthew households

Matthewes households

Matthewman households

Matthews households

Matthewson households

Matthieson households

Mattock households

Mattocks households

Mattox households

Matts households

Matty households

Maud households

Maude households

Mauder households

Maugham households

Maughan households

Maul households

Maule households

Maull households

Maullin households

Maullins households

Maultby households

Maund households

Maunder households

Maunton households

Maur households

Maurice households

Mausley households

Mauslow households

Mauton households

Mavins households

Mavity households

Mavor households

Mawbey households

Mawby households

Mawer households

Mawes households

Mawle households

Mawson households

There were 17 people with this surname in Warwickshire in 1881. The most common occupations for people with the surname Mawson in Warwickshire in 1881 were Assistant In Boot Shop for women and Scholar for men. People with the surname Mawson in Warwickshire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of James, John, Alice Amelia, Arthur, Arthur T W, Charles, Fanny Elizabeth, Fred, Lavinia or Mary.

Head of Household


Date of Birth



Turner Street

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Coventry Road

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Foundry Road

People in the house


Mawton households

Maxam households

Maxen households

Maxfield households

Maxon households

Maxwell households

May households

Mayatt households

Maybury households