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Warwickshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Warwickshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with H

Hoomans households

Hooper households

Hooson households

Hootin households

Hooton households

Hopcraft households

Hopcroft households

Hope households

Hopes households

Hopewell households

Hopgood households

Hopkin households

Hopkins households

Hopkins Or Hodgkins households

Hopkinson households

Hopkiss households

Hopley households

Hopos (?) households

Hopper households

Hopper Or Stopper households

Hopsity households

Hopson households

Hoptin households

Hoptom households

Hopton households

Hopwood households

Horan households

Horcutt households

Horden households

Hordern households

Hordley households

Hore households

Horeman households

Horenshaw households

Horewood households

Horey households

Horley households

Horman Or Norman households

Horme households

Horn households

Horn? households

Hornblower households

Horncastle households

Horne households

Horneblow households

Horner households

Horner Or Homer households

Horniblow households

Hornidge households