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Sussex in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Sussex in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Sussex in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with A

Ashdowne households

Ashfield households

Ashfold households

Ashford households

Ashlee households

Ashley households

Ashling households

Ashman households

Ashmore households

Ashton households

Ashwell households

Ashworth households

Askew households

Aslett households

Aspey households

Aspinall households

Aspree households

Assen households

Assett households

Assiter households

Aster households

Astlett households

Aston households

Astor households

Astridge households

Atchison households

Atfield households

Atfree households

Athawes households

Athell households

Athelwood households

Athenson households

Atherall households

Atherden households

Atherell households

Atherfold households

Atherton households

Athings households

Athree households

Atkey households

Atkin households

Atkins households

Atkinson households

Atkkinson households

Atkyn households

Atlee households

Atley households

Atree households

Attaway households