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Surrey in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Surrey in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Surrey in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with R

Rolf (relf) households

Rolfe households

Rolide households

Rolinson households

Roll households

Rolla households

Rolland households

Rollason households

Rolles households

Rollet households

Rollett households

Rolling households

Rollings households

Rollins households

Rollinson households

Rollison households

Rollisson households

Rollo households

Rolls households

Rolms households

Rolo households

Rolp households

Rolstone households

Rolt households

Romah households

Romain households

Romaine households

Romains households

Roman households

Romanel households

Romano households

Romans households

Romany households

Romasney households

Romay households

Rombach households

Rombeleau households

Rome households

Romer households

Romeril households

Romilly households

Romley households

Rommel households

Romney households

Romp households

Romsey households

Ronald households

Ronaldson households

Ronato households