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Surrey in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Surrey in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Surrey in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with G

Gepp households

Gerahty households

Gerald households

Gerbaldi Or Gorbaldi households

Gerber households

Gerdgett households

Gerdle households

Gerduck households

Gere households

Geren households

Gerhach households

Gerhardt households

Gerhold households

Gerick households

Geriname households

Gerit households

Gerken households

Gerkin households

Gerlach households

Gerlder households

Germain households

German households

Germanes households

Germay households

Germedt households

Germer households

Gernat households

Gerndt households

Gerner households

Gernon households

Gerosa households

Gerr households

Gerrans households

Gerrard households

Gerres households

Gerrett households

Gerrish households

Gerrith households

Gerst households

Gervanni households

Gervirs households

Gervis households

Gery households

Gess households

Gessey households

Gessniven households

Gest ? households

Geth households

Gethen households