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Suffolk in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Suffolk in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Suffolk in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with L

Law households

Lawd households

Lawe households

Lawerence households

Lawes households

Lawken households

Lawkins households

Lawn households

Lawrance households

Lawrence households

Laws households

Lawson households

Lawton households

Laxy households

Lay households

Laybourn households

Layer households

Layfield households

Layn households

Lays households

Laysell households

Layton households

Layzel households

Layzell households

Lazzell households

Le Butt households

Le Good households

Le Grice households

Le Grye households

Le Grys households

Le Mottee households

Le Neve households

Lea households

Leabon households

Leabone households

Leach households

Leaches households

Lead households

Leaden households

Leagh households

Leah households

Leahy households

Leak households

Leake households

Leaman households

Leamon households

Leamons households

Learold households

Leask households