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Staffordshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Staffordshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Staffordshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with N

Nayliss households

Naylor households

Neachell households

Neal households

Neald households

Neale households

Neaps households

Neary households

Neat households

Neate households

Neath households

Neatherby households

Neatherway households

Neaverson households

Neaves households

Neavin households

Nee households

Neeal households

Need households

Needham households

Needin households

Needle households

Needs households

Neele households

Neeles households

Neenan households

Neesham households

Negus households

Neichill households

Neighbour households

Neil households

Neild households

Neill households

Neilson households

Nell households

Nelland households

Nelmes households

Nelms households

Nelson households

Nelson ? households

Nendick Or Rendick households

Nervey households

Nesbatt households

Nesbit households

Nesbitt households

Ness households

Nestbury households

Nester households

Netford households