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Staffordshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Staffordshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with N

In the 1881 Census for staffordshire, there were 14326 people with surnames starting with 'N' in staffordshire in 1881. The most common occupations for people in staffordshire in 1881 were Scholar for women and Scholar for men. The most common surnames beginning with 'N' in staffordshire in 1881 were Nicholls, Nixon, Newton, Nicklin, Nock, Newman, Norton, Nash, Nichols and Naylor. People with the most common surnames in staffordshire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of William, John, Thomas, Elizabeth, Mary, George, Sarah, James, Joseph or Ann.

Most common surnames beginning with 'N' in staffordshire in 1881:

N ? Leonard households

Nabbs households

There were 17 people with this surname in Staffordshire in 1881. The most common occupations for people with the surname Nabbs in Staffordshire in 1881 were Scholar for women and Scholar for men. People with the surname Nabbs in Staffordshire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of William, Elizabeth, Joseph, Annie, Hannah, John, Mary, Mary A, Matilda or Richard.

Head of Household


Date of Birth



Compton Street

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Hallets Row

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Dunstal Lane

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Graisley Hill

People in the house


Nabney households

Nachtgall households

Nack households

Nadan households

Naden households

Nadin households

Nadin Or Kadir households

Naggington households

Nagginton households

Nagington households

Naginton households

Nail households

Nairne households

Naish households

Nalder households

Nall households

Nally households

Nalton households

Nance households

Nangreaves households

Nannerley households

Napier households

Napper households

Nappes households

Napton households

Narburton households

Narey households

Narramore households

Narraway households

Narrow households

Narroway households

Narrowmore households

Narwood households

Nary households

Nash households

Nason households

Nassal households

Nathan households

Nation households

Natt households

Naughton households

Navan households

Navell households

Navin households

Navon households

Nawell households

Nawman households

Nayler households