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Somerset in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Somerset in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Somerset in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Humfries households

Humphires households

Humphrey households

Humphreys households

Humphreys (humphrys) households

Humphries households

Humphris households

Humphry households

Humphrys households

Hunham Or Hanham households

Huniford households

Hunking households

Hunnybun households

Hunt households

Hunter households

Huntingdon households

Huntington households

Huntley households

Huntly households

Hupes households

Hurbert households

Hurburt households

Hurd households

Hurdacre households

Hurdege households

Hurden households

Hurding households

Hurditch households

Hurditch (huditch) households

Hurdle households

Hurdman households

Hurford households

Hurfurt households

Hurl households

Hurle households

Hurley households

Hurlston households

Hurlstone households

Hurly households

Hurm households

Hurman households

Hurmann households

Hurn households

Hurniman households

Hurry households

Hurse households

Hurtstom households

Husband households

Huse households