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Somerset in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Somerset in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Somerset in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with G

Godfree households

Godfrey households

Godfry households

Goding households

Godlees households

Godley households

Godsell households

Godurn households

Godwin households

Goff households

Gold households

Golden households

Golder households

Goldesbrough households

Goldfinch households

Goldie households

Golding households

Goldney households

Goldring households

Goldsmid households

Goldsmith households

Goldstone households

Goldsworthy households

Goldworthy households

Golladge households

Golledge households

Golley households

Gollop households

Golop households

Golsworthy households

Goman households

Gomer households

Gomm households

Gomun households

Gooch households

Goodall households

Goodard households

Goodchild households

Goodden households

Goodder households

Gooddy households

Goode households

Gooden households

Goodenough households

Gooderidge households

Gooderson households

Goodeve households

Goodfellow households

Goodfield households