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Somerset in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Somerset in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Somerset in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with D

Donnald households

Donne households

Donnelly households

Donnett households

Donning households

Donogou households

Donovan households

Dooner households

Doram households

Doran households

Dordge households

Dore households

Dorehill households

Doresa households

Dorey households

Dornay households

Dorney households

Dorning households

Doroden households

Dorrington households

Dorry households

Dors households

Dorse households

Dorson households

Dossitter households

Doswell households

Double households

Doubting households

Douch households

Doudney households

Douel households

Douens Or Downs households

Doughty households

Douglas households

Dounton households

Doutch households

Dovell households

Dover households

Doveton households

Dovey households

Dowdall households

Dowden households

Dowdeswell households

Dowdey households

Dowding households

Dowdling households

Dowdney households

Dowdon households

Dowell households