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Shropshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Shropshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Shropshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with S

Stanford households

Stanhope households

Stanier households

Stanley households

Stanly households

Stanners households

Stanniers households

Stansfeld households

Stansworth households

Stant households

Stanton households

Stanway households

Stanworth households

Stanyer households

Staples households

Stapleton households

Stark households

Starkey households

Starr households

Statham households

Stavrey households

Stayley households

Stead households

Steadman households

Steed households

Steedman households

Steele households

Steen households

Steene households

Steenton households

Steeple households

Steeventon households

Stennett households

Stephan households

Stephans households

Stephen households

Stephens households

Stephenson households

Stephenton households

Stepney households

Stepple households

Stevans households

Stevens households

Stevenson households

Stevenson Or Steventon households

Steventon households

Steventor households

Stevington households

Stevinton households