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Shropshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Shropshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Shropshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Hewlett households

Hewlitt households

Hewson households

Heycock households

Heycocks households

Heyes households

Heynes households

Heyward households

Heywood households

Hiatt households

Hibbert households

Hibble households

Hick households

Hickin households

Hickinbotham households

Hickman households

Hicks households

Hickson households

Hide households

Higgan households

Higgens households

Higgin households

Higgins households

Higginson households

Higgitt households

Higgs households

Higham households

Higherton households

Highfield households

Highfields households

Hightfield households

Highway households

Higinson households

Higley households

Hignett households

Higton households

Hilditch households

Hildith households

Hilgrove households

Hill households

Hillam households

Hiller households

Hillidge households

Hillier households

Hillman households

Hills households

Hilton households

Hime households

Hince households