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Rutland in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Rutland in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Rutland in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with S

Staples households

Stapleton households

Starling households

Steel households

Steele households

Steeles households

Steer households

Stephenson households

Stevens households

Stiff households

Stimpson households

Stimpton households

Stimson households

Stockdale households

Stocker households

Stocks households

Stokes households

Stone households

Stones households

Stony households

Stops households

Streather households

Stretton households

Strickland households

Strickson households

Stuart households

Stubbs households

Sturgess households

Sturman households

Styles households

Suler households

Sumpter households

Surrey households

Suter households

Sutton households

Swallow households

Swann households

Swift households

Swinborne households

Swindell households

Swingler households

Swndell households

Symon households

Symonds households