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Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with P

Pritchett households

Privett households

Probert households

Proberts households

Probets households

Probetts households

Proctor households

Proffit households

Proffitt households

Profit households

Prophett households

Proser households

Prosser households

Proud households

Proudman households

Provest households

Provice households

Provies households

Pruce households

Prue households

Pryer households

Pryor households

Puckering households

Puddle households

Pudwell households

Puffet households

Puffitt households

Pugh households

Pughe households

Pulham households

Pulker households

Pullen households

Pullin households

Pulling households

Pullinger households

Pumfrey households

Punt households

Purbrick households

Purcell households

Purchase households

Purdue households

Purnell households

Pursell households

Purser households

Pursey households

Purssel households

Purver households

Purvey households

Purvis households