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Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Oxfordshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Heuther households

Hew households

Hewer households

Hewiett households

Hewins households

Hewitt households

Hewlet households

Hewlett households

Hews households

Hewson households

Heydon households

Heyfield households

Heynes households

Hiatt households

Hibbert households

Hibbs households

Hichcock households

Hickey households

Hickling households

Hickman households

Hicks households

Hickson households

Hide households

Hiden households

Hieatt households

Hiett households

Higgings households

Higgins households

Higginson households

Higgs households

Higham households

Highton households

Hignell households

Hilaby households

Hiles households

Hill households

Hillesdon households

Hilliard households

Hillier households

Hillman households

Hills households

Hillsden households

Hillsdon households

Hilot households

Hilsden households

Hilsdon households

Hilyard households

Himpin households

Hind households