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Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with W

Whathoff households

Whatley households

Whatmore households

Whatnall households

Whattam households

Whattey households

Whatthey households

Whatton households

Wheakhurst households

Wheal households

Wheallie households

Wheally households

Wheat households

Wheatcroft households

Wheatley households

Wheatly households

Wheatman households

Wheelars households

Wheeldon households

Wheelecker households

Wheelen households

Wheeler households

Wheelhouse households

Wheeliker households

Wheelman households

Wheelwright households

Wheenall households

Wheetcroft households

Wheewale households

Wheewall households

Whelan households

Whelband households

Wheldon households

Whelldon households

Whellsdale households

Whelpdale households

Whelpson households

Whelpton households

Whelton households

Whent households

Wherry households

Whest households

Whetley households

Whetstone households

Whieldon households

Whigfield households

Whik households

Whilby households

Whilder households