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Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with W

Wormall households

Wormsby households

Wormsley households

Worner households

Worrall households

Worrell households

Worsdale households

Worsdall households

Worseley households

Worsley households

Worsop households

Worth households

Worthey households

Worthington households

Wortley households

Worton households

Would households

Woulds households

Wragby households

Wragg households

Wragge households

Wragley households

Wragsby households

Wrate households

Wrath households

Wratt households

Wratten households

Wray households

Wren households

Wrench households

Wrigglesworth households

Wright households

Wrightham households

Wrighton households

Wrigley households

Wrisall households

Wroe households

Wrosster ? households

Wroughton households

Wuddleton households

Wurrow households

Wyatt households

Wyeed households

Wyeld households

Wyett households

Wyked households

Wykes households

Wyld households

Wylde households