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Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with P

Paulson households

Paulton households

Paunell households

Pauson households

Pavey households

Pavier households

Pavis households

Pawson households

Paxon households

Paxston households

Paylin households

Payling households

Payne households

Paynes households

Payton households

Peabody households

Peace households

Peach households

Peacock households

Peak households

Peake households

Peakin households

Peaks households

Pear households

Pearce households

Pearces households

Pearl households

Pearle households

Pearley households

Pearpoint households

Pears households

Pearsall households

Pearse households

Pearson households

Pearsons households

Peart households

Pease households

Peason households

Peat households

Peate households

Peatfield households

Peatman households

Peberdy households

Peccarey households

Peccary households

Peccroy households

Peck households

Peckham households

Pedge households