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Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Nottinghamshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Hitchband households

Hitchen households

Hitchens households

Hitchin households

Hitching households

Hitchings households

Hitchins households

Hitchley households

Hithersay households

Hitheway households

Hitt households

Hitts households

Hives households

Hoade households

Hoades households

Hoar households

Hoare households

Hoaston households

Hobbrook households

Hobbs households

Hobbson households

Hobden households

Hoben households

Hobhouse households

Hobill households

Hobley households

Hobourn households

Hobson households

Hobster (hobson) households

Hochart households

Hockart households

Hockey households

Hockleby households

Hockley households

Hockney households

Hodder households

Hodge households

Hodgekinson households

Hodges households

Hodgett households

Hodghes households

Hodgkin households

Hodgkins households

Hodgkinson households

Hodgkiss households

Hodgots households

Hodgson households

Hodgtun households

Hodjam households