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Northumberland in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Northumberland in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Northumberland in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with G

Glewes households

Gliddy households

Glidoon households

Glinn households

Gloag households

Gloholm households

Gloliden households

Gloster households

Glowes households

Glyenn households

Glynn households

Glynne households

Gnant households

Goddard households

Godden households

Godfery households

Godfrey households

Godson households

Goepel households

Goffney households

Gofton households

Goggns households

Gold households

Goldberg households

Goldberry households

Golden households

Golder households

Goldesbury households

Goldie households

Golding households

Goldinger households

Goldlock households

Goldsbrough households

Goldsmith households

Goldson households

Goldstraw households

Goldsworthy households

Golford households

Golightley households

Golightly households

Golland households

Gollatley households

Golley households

Gollightly households

Golloughly households

Golphin households

Goltz households

Gonegal households

Gonegall households