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Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with S

Snadon households

Snape households

Sneaker households

Sneath households

Snedker households

Snell households

Snelling households

Snelson households

Snitch households

Snoding households

Snook households

Snowden households

Snowdon households

Snowling households

Soames households

Soans households

Soasby households

Soden households

Soggin households

Solbury households

Soley households

Sollis households

Solmon households

Soloman households

Solomon households

Somerfield households

Somerstham households

Somerton households

Somes households

Sorell households

Sorrell households

Sorrill households

Souster households

South households

Southam households

Southern households

Southwell households

Southwood households

Sowden households

Sower households

Spacey households

Spalding households

Spanswick households

Spare households

Sparins households

Sparkes households

Sparkman households

Sparks households

Sparrow households