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Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with H

Haverson households

Havford households

Haviland households

Havley households

Havlock households

Haw households

Haward households

Hawe households

Hawford households

Hawgood households

Hawk households

Hawker households

Hawkes households

Hawkin households

Hawkins households

Hawks households

Hawksworth households

Hawley households

Haws households

Hawthorn households

Hawthorne households

Hawtin households

Hawton households

Haxley households

Hayard households

Haycock households

Hayden households

Haydon households

Hayes households

Haygate households

Hayle households

Hayles households

Haylock Or Hazelock households

Haymaker households

Hayman households

Haynes households

Hays households

Hayter households

Hayward households

Haywood households

Hazelby households

Hazeldine households

Hazlewood households

Hazzard households

Head households

Headdy households

Headland households

Heal households

Healey households