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Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with G

Greening households

Greenland households

Greenough households

Greenwood households

Greeves households

Gregg households

Greggs households

Gregory households

Gregson households

Greig households

Gren households

Gretton households

Greveson households

Greville households

Gribble households

Grice households

Grieves households

Griffen households

Griffin households

Griffith households

Griffiths households

Griffs households

Griggs households

Grimason households

Grimbley households

Grimes households

Grimsdich households

Grimsdick households

Grimshaw households

Grimson households

Grinham households

Grisbrooke households

Griscoll households

Grist households

Gritton households

Grocock households

Gromwell households

Groocock households

Groocott households

Groom households

Groome households

Grooms households

Groscock households

Grose households

Gross households

Grossmith households

Grosvenor households

Grove households

Groves households