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Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with D

Dee households

Deebank households

Deer households

Deighton households

Deiton households

Delafors households

Dell households

Dellow households

Delves households

Delworth households

Dempsey households

Denby households

Dench households

Denney households

Denning households

Dennison households

Denny households

Denridge households

Denston households

Dent households

Denton households

Derby households

Derman households

Derrick households

Desboro households

Desborough households

Desbro households

Desbrow households

Dester households

Devereaux households

Devereux households

Deverew households

Devey households

Devine households

Devonshire households

Dew households

Dewar households

Dewberry households

Dewbery households

Dewett households

Dewey households

Dewick households

Dewitt households

Dewry households

Dexter households

Dextor households

Diamond households

Dicken households

Dickens households