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Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Northamptonshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with B

Beeson households

Beeston households

Beesworth households

Beeton households

Beetson households

Begg households

Begley households

Begnet households

Beharell households

Beharrell households

Beightwell households

Beisley households

Beldrey households

Belfield households

Belham households

Bell households

Bellaers households

Bellairs households

Bellam households

Bellamy households

Bellars households

Bellchambers households

Bellham households

Bellow households

Bells households

Belshaw households

Belsher households

Belshur households

Belson households

Belton households

Beman households

Ben households

Benbow households

Bendall households

Bending households

Benett households

Benford households

Benham households

Benjamin households

Benn households

Benner households

Bennets households

Bennett households

Benningter households

Bennington households

Bennison households

Benson households

Benstead households

Bent households