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Norfolk in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Norfolk in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Norfolk in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with N

Neland households

Nelham households

Nelsen households

Nelson households

Nelthorpe households

Neobard households

Neobbard households

Neotten households

Nero households

Nesbit households

Neslen households

Neston households

Netherale households

Nethercote households

Netting households

Nettlefold households

Neustead households

Nevard households

Neve households

Nevill households

Neville households

Nevstead households

New households

New? households

Newall households

Newark households

Newbegin households

Newborn households

Newbould households

Newbury households

Newby households

Newcome households

Newdick households

Newel households

Newell households

Newhouse households

Newland households

Newly households

Newman households

Newnam households

Newne households

Newport households

Newson households

Newstard households

Newstead households

Newsted households

Newtland households

Newton households

Nia? households