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Middlesex in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Middlesex in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with A

Aving households

Avins households

Aviolet households

Avis households

Avison households

Avner households

Avon households

Avondale households

Avory households

Avriall households

Avril households

Avvard households

Award households

Awaston households

Away households

Awbery households

Awcock households

Awdas households

Awfood households

Awkett households

Awlverry households

Axam households

Axbey households

Axby households

Axcell households

Axe households

Axelby households

Axelman households

Axford households

Axham households

Axkuis households

Axleby households

Axley households

Axlman households

Axmann households

Axon households

Axpper households

Axtell households

Axter households

Axtill households

Axtines households

Axton households

Axtons households

Axttell households

Axworth households

Axworthy households

Ayars households

Ayburn households

Ayckbourn households