Daniel Betts
Born 1828
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Mary E
Janet M
George F
Robert B
Henry A
Richard S
St Quinten
1 of 8
First name(s) | Mary E |
Last name | Yeats |
Relationship | Head |
Marital status | Widow |
Age | 48 |
Birth year | 1833 |
Birth place | London, Middlesex, England |
First name(s) | Last name | Relationship | Marital status | Age | Birth year | Birth place | Full record |
Mary E | Yeats | Head | Widow | 48 | 1833 | London, Middlesex, England | |
Janet M | Yeats | Sister In Law | Single | 50 | 1831 | Streatham, Surrey, England | |
Minnie | Wooten | Servant | Single | 17 | 1864 | Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England | |
Gavin | Hardie | Boarder | Widower | 73 | 1808 | Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland | |
George F | Warner | Boarder | Single | 35 | 1846 | Winchester, Hampshire, England | |
Robert B | Fraser | Boarder | Single | 31 | 1850 | Port William, Wigtownshire, Scotland | |
Henry A | Taylor | Boarder | Single | 30 | 1851 | London, Middlesex, England | |
Richard S | St Quinten | Boarder | Single | 28 | 1853 | Rotherhithe, Surrey, England |
We’ve found Mary E Yeats in 203 family trees. Find out more about Mary E Yeats' household and view the Yeats family in family trees created by Findmypast members.
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