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Lincolnshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Lincolnshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Lincolnshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with T

Tuckerman households

Tuckman ? households

Tuckwood households

Tuckworth households

Tuddenham households

Tudenham households

Tudor households

Tuffa households

Tuffitt households

Tuffley households

Tuffnel households

Tuffnell households

Tuffs households

Tufnell households

Tugwood households

Tuke households

Tulfitt households

Tulley households

Tully households

Tumman households

Tunard households

Tune households

Tunley households

Tunnadine households

Tunnard households

Tupholme households

Tuplin households

Tupling households

Turbin households

Turdale households

There were 12 people with this surname in Lincolnshire in 1881. The most common occupations for people with the surname Turdale in Lincolnshire in 1881 were Wife for women and Brick & Tile Maker for men. People with the surname Turdale in Lincolnshire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of Thomas, Ann Maria, Betsy, Edmund, Eliza, Elizabeth Ann, Esther, John W, Joseph or Mary.

Head of Household


Date of Birth



North Street

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



North Street

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



North Street

People in the house


Turfitt households

Turght households

Turgoose households

Turlington households

Turlinton households

Turnbull households

Turnell households

Turner households

Turney households

Turnhill households

Turnill households

Turnor households

Turnour households

Turpin households

Turr households

Turrel households

Turrell households

Turrill households

Turtle households

Turton households