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Lincolnshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Lincolnshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Lincolnshire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with L

Lawtey households

Lawton households

Lax households

Laxson households

Laxton households

Lay households

Layborn households

Laybourn households

Laycock households

Laying households

Layne households

Laynes households

Layng households

Laythorp households

Laythorpe households

Layton households

Lazenby households

Le Tall households

Lea households

Leaberry households

Leach households

Lead households

Leadbeater households

Leadbetter households

Leadenham households

Leader households

Leadham households

Leaf households

Leafe households

Leak households

Leake households

Leakey households

Lealand households

Leaming households

Leamon households

Leaney households

Leaning households

Leaper households

Learey households

Learmond households

Leary households

Leasing households

Leason households

Leaster households

Leatherland households

Leatman Or Seatman households

Leaton households

Leaver households

Leaverland households