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Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Leicestershire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with W

Wesey households

Wesker households

Wesley households

Wesson households

West households

Westall households

Westberry households

Westbrook households

Westbury households

Westby households

Westerdale households

There were 9 people with this surname in Leicestershire in 1881. The most common occupations for people with the surname Westerdale in Leicestershire in 1881 were Farmers Daur for women and Farmer Of 200 Acres Employing 1 Lab & 2 Boys for men. People with the surname Westerdale in Leicestershire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of Anna J, Elizabeth, Ethel Maria, Joseph D, Julia A, Kate, Maria, Martha Godber or Samuel.

Head of Household

Joseph D

Date of Birth




People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Middle Village

People in the house


Westerman households

Westgate households

Westley households

Westly households

Westman households

Westmorland households

Weston households

Westone households

Westow households

Wettering households

Wetton households

Wexall households

Whadock households

Whait households

Whaite households

Whaleband households

Whall households

Whalley households

Whapples households

Wharmly households

Whatband households

Whatham households

Whatley households

Whatmore households

Whatnall households

Whatsize households

Whatson households

Whatton households

Whatwell households

Wheat households

Wheatcroft households

Wheater households

Wheatley households

Wheatly households

Wheelband households

Wheelding households

Wheeldon households

Wheeler households

Wheelhouse households