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Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Leicestershire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with S

Shibley households

Shield households

Shields households

Shien households

Shiers households

Shilcock households

Shill households

Shillam households

Shillcock households

Shilling households

Shilton households

Shingle households

Shingler households

Shingles households

Shipley households

Shiply households

Shipman households

Shipp households

Shipperly households

Shipton households

Shirebrook households

Shires households

Shirley households

Shoard households

Shora households

Shore households

Shornett households

Shorpe households

Shorrate households

Short households

Shorter households

Shortess households

Shorthose households

Shorthouse households

Shotbolt households

Shouler households

Shread households

Shreeve households

Shrive households

Shrives households

Shuter households

Shutes households

Shutt households

Shuttlewood households

Shuttleworth households

Shuttlworth households

Sibley households

Sibson households

Siddans households