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Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Leicestershire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with R

Roulstone households

Rourke households

Rousby households

Rouse households

Routen households

Rowan households

Rowarth households

Rowbottom households

Rowe households

Rowel households

Rowell households

Rowland households

Rowlatt households

Rowledge households

Rowles households

Rowlett households

Rowley households

Rowly households

Roworth households

Rowse households

Rowsell households

Rowson households

Rowthorn households

Rowton households

Roxall households

Roxby households

Royce households

Royle households

Royston households

Rubley households

Ruce households

Ruck households

Rudd households

Ruddle households

Ruden households

Rudgeway households

Rudkin households

Rudland households

Rue households

Ruff households

Ruffell households

Rumball households

Rumney households

Rump households

Rumsby households

Ruse households

Rush households

Rushbrook households

Rushin households