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Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Leicestershire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with R

Rippon households

Risbey households

Riseaue households

Riste households

Ritchley households

Rivett households

Rivetts households

Rivitt households

Rixon households

Riyocks households

Roach households

Roadley households

Robbins households

Robbottom households

Robenson households

Roberston households

Robert households

Roberts households

Robertson households

Robey households

Robins households

Robinson households

Robjohns households

Robotham households

Robottam households

Robottom households

Robotton households

Roby households

Rochard households

Roche households

Rochford households

Rock households

Rocketts households

Rockley households

Rodbone households

Rodell households

Rodely households

Rodford households

Rodgers households

Rodhouse households

Rodinett Or Rockwell households

Rodley households

Rodway households

Rodwell households

Roe households

Roebuck households

Roff households

Roffe households

Roger households