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Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Leicestershire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Hanley households

Hanlon households

Hannam households

Hannelt households

Hanney households

Hannibal households

Hannord households

Hansford households

Hanship households

Hansom households

Hanson households

Hansworth households

Hanwell households

Harb households

Harbon households

Harbone households

Harbot households

Harbott households

Harbridge households

Harbutt households

Harby households

Harby Or Harley households

Harcote households

Harcott households

Hard?loft households

Hardbattle households

Hardell households

Harden households

Hardesty households

Hardie households

Harding households

Hardington households

Hardman households

Hardstaff households

Hardwick households

Hardy households

Hardyman households

Hardys households

Hare households

Hares households

Harford households

Hargest households

Hargitt households

Hargrave households

Hargraves households

Hargreaves households

Hariman households

Harker households

Harley households