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Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Leicestershire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Leicestershire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with G

Gowan households

Goward households

Gowdridge households

Gowen households

Gower households

Gowtage households

Gowtridge households

Goy households

Gradwell households

Grady households

Graham households

Grain households

Graine households

Grainger households

Grandison households

Granger households

Grant households

Grantham households

Grass households

Grasswell households

Gratton households

Graves households

Graveson households

Gray households

Graydon households

Grayley households

Graysill households

Greasley households

Greasly households

Greaterex households

Greaterot households

Greathead households

Greather households

Greatoren households

Greatorex households

Greaves households

Grebby households

Green households

Greenfield households

Greenhill households

Greenhough households

Greenman households

Greensmith households

Greenway households

Greenwel households

Greenwell households

Greenwood households

Greet households

Greete households