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Lancashire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Lancashire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with P

Putty households

Putwane households

Puxley households

Puzey households

Puzyar households

Puzzar households

Pves households

Pyat households

Pyatt households

Pybis households

Pyburn households

Pybus households

Pycroft households

Pye households

Pyecroft households

Pyer households

Pyerrer households

Pyett households

Pygott households

Pyke households

Pyl households

Pym households

Pyman households

Pymer households

Pymm households

Pyne households

Pynen households

Pynn households

Pyott households

Pyrah households

Pyre households

Pysock households

Pyther households

Pythiam households

Pythian households

Pywell households

Pyzer households

Pyzer Smith households

Pimblett households

Pover households