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Lancashire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Lancashire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with P

Prunall households

Prunier households

Prunty households

Prusmann households

Prutchard households

Pryde households

Pryer households

Pryers households

Pryhe households

Pryke households

Pryme households

Prynn households

Prynton households

Pryor households

Prytherch households

Prytherick households

Prytherk households

Psicha households

Pson households

Ptitchard households

Pualyow households

Pucil households

Pucill households

Puck households

Puckering households

Puckey households

Puckle households

Puckman households

Pucky households

Puday households

Puddick households

Puddifer households

Puddifor households

Puddy households

Puddyer households

Pudgeon households

Puenjer households

Pueter households

Pugh households

Pughe households

Pughes households

Pugmire households

Pugmore households

Pugsley households

Puhlmann households

Pukering households

Pulan households

Pulban Or Pulbun households

Pulchard households