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Lancashire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Lancashire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Lancashire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with P

Perkins households

Perkinton households

Perks households

Perkyns households

Perlius households

Perman households

Pernie households

Peroly households

Peronall households

Peroter households

Perraton households

Perren households

Perret households

Perrett households

Perrey households

Perridy households

Perrie households

Perrin households

Perring households

Perringham households

Perrings households

Perrins households

Perris households

Perrish households

Perriton ? households

Perron households

Perrot households

Perrott households

Perrott Or Penott households

Perrow households

Perry households

Perry Or Terry households

Pershouse households

Person households

Pert households

Perter households

Perugia households

Pervin households

Peryman households

Pesater households

Pescock households

Pescod households

Pesey households

Peston households

Petch households

Peter households

Peterawske households

Petercue households

Peterie households