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Lancashire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Lancashire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

Search Lancashire in the 1881 Census

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Surnames starting with H

Housing households

Housley households

Housman households

Houssage households

Housset households

Houstadt households

Houstan households

Housten households

Houston households

Hout households

Houte households

Houthton households

Houxley households

Hovel households

Hovell households

Hover households

Hovington households

Hovry households

How households

Howan households

Howard households

Howard ((nelson)) households

Howarden households

Howards households

Howardson households

Howaret households

Howark households

Howart households

Howarth households

Howarth ((shaw)) households

Howarth ? households

Howat households

Howath households

Howatt households

Howcock households

Howcroft households

Howd households

Howdall households

Howden households

Howdle households

Howe households

Howel households

Howeley households

Howell households

Howells households

Howels households

Hower ? households

Howerth households

Howes households