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Lanarkshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Lanarkshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with H

Hodgskies households

Hodgson households

Hodgson Kennedy households

Hodson households

Hoey Jr households

Hoff households

Hoffer households

Hofmann households

Hog households

Hogan households

Hogarth households

Hogben households

Hogerty households

Hogg households

Hogg Jr households

Hoggan households

Hoggans households

Hoggarth households

Hoggins households

Hogin households

Holborn households

Holbrook households

Holburn households

Holden households

Holder households

Holdsworth households

Holehouse households

Hollan households

Holland households

Hollar households

Hollaway households

Holley households

Holliday households

Holligworth households

Hollinger households

Hollingsworth households

Hollinsworth households

Hollinwood households

Hollis households

Holloran households

Holloway households

Hollway households

Holly households

Hollywood households

Holm households

Holman households

Holmes households

Holms households

Holpin households