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Jersey in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Jersey in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with P

Penny households

Pensom households

Penton households

Penwell households

Pepprell households

Perchard households

Percival households

Pereau households

Peree households

Perham households

Perkins households

Pernell households

Perredes households

Perree households

Perrier households

Perrin households

Perrio households

Perriot households

Perron households

Perrot households

Perrote households

Perry households

Pesant households

Petequin households

Peters households

Petit households

Pettifer households

Peyton households

Phelps households

Philip households

Philips households

Phillips households

Philpott households

Picket households

Pickup households

Picot households

Pidcock households

Pierre households

Pigeon households

Piggot households

Pignot households

Pihan households

Piit households

Pike households

Pilard households

Pilbeam households

Pilditch households

Pilkington households

Pimwill households