Charles T Gillies
Born 1842
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Get access to the original record, as well as a map showing the local area at the time
Mc Cutchan
Adelaide A
Mc Cutchan
Adelaide A
Mc Cutchan
Ivie D
Mc Cutchan
Philippa E
Mc Cutchan
Stanley R
Mc Cutchan
Campbell N
Mc Cutchan
Mc Culloch
Louisa A
Fanny E
1 of 15
First name(s) | Ivie |
Last name | Mc Cutchan |
Relationship | Head |
Marital status | Married |
Age | 43 |
Birth year | 1838 |
Birth place | City of London, Middlesex, England |
First name(s) | Last name | Relationship | Marital status | Age | Birth year | Birth place | Full record |
Ivie | Mc Cutchan | Head | Married | 43 | 1838 | City of London, Middlesex, England | |
Adelaide A | Mc Cutchan | Wife | Married | 38 | 1843 | Middlesex, England | |
Adelaide A | Mc Cutchan | Daughter | Single | 7 | 1874 | Beckenham, Kent, England | |
Ivie D | Mc Cutchan | Son | Single | 5 | 1876 | Beckenham, Kent, England | |
Philippa E | Mc Cutchan | Daughter | Single | 4 | 1877 | Beckenham, Kent, England | |
Stanley R | Mc Cutchan | Son | Single | 2 | 1879 | Beckenham, Kent, England | |
Campbell N | Mc Cutchan | Son | Single | 0 | 1881 | Sundridge, Kent, England | |
Mary | Mc Culloch | Servant | Single | 40 | 1841 | London, Middlesex, England | |
Mary | Martin | Servant | Single | 36 | 1845 | Sundridge, Kent, England | |
Ellen | Russell | Servant | Single | 36 | 1845 | Hoe, Sussex, England | |
Louisa A | Ledger | Servant | Single | 21 | 1860 | Basingstoke, Hampshire, England | |
Harriet | Tingley | Servant | Single | 21 | 1860 | Kent, England | |
William | Walters | Servant | Single | 51 | 1830 | Tavistock, Devon, England | |
Herbert | Marchant | Servant | Single | 16 | 1865 | Cudham, Kent, England | |
Fanny E | Jones | Servant | Single | 28 | 1853 | Brighton, Sussex, England |
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