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Hampshire in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Hampshire in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with R

Rapson households

Rapworth households

Rasell households

Rash households

Rashleigh households

Rashley households

Raskell Or Raskett households

Raskins households

Rasling households

Rassell households

Rastin households

Rastrick households

Ratcliff households

Ratcliffe households

Rates households

Ratford households

Rathborne households

Rather households

Ratsey households

Rattee households

Rattenbury households

There were 12 people with this surname in Hampshire in 1881. The most common occupations for people with the surname Rattenbury in Hampshire in 1881 were Retired ? for women and Haberdasher for men. People with the surname Rattenbury in Hampshire in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of Charles R, Edmund, Elizabeth, Emma L, Fanny, Florence, George, James, Mary or Nellie.

Head of Household


Date of Birth



Buchan Terrace Brinton Road

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



Oxford Street

People in the house


Head of Household


Date of Birth



London Road

People in the house


Rattew households

Rattey households

Rattray households

Rattue households

Ratty households

Rauyell households

Raven households

Ravenhill households

Ravenor households

Ravenscroft households

Ravish households

Rawbone households

Rawding households

Rawkins households

Rawlance households

Rawle households

Rawlence households

Rawlens households

Rawles households

Rawlings households

Rawlingson households

Rawlins households

Rawlinson households

Rawnsley households

Rawson households

Rawstorne households

Rawthorn households

Raxworthy households

Ray households